12: Precautions going outside – how to stay safe when taking public transportation

Q: I still need to use public transportation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Is this risky and how can I stay safe?

💁Tracy: In crowded places with less air circulation, your risk of exposure to COVID-19 increases. If you absolutely must use public transportation, here are some tips to minimize your risk of getting infected:

➤Minimize time spent in contact with other people.
If you absolutely must use public transportation, try to minimize the time you spend in contact with other people by planning your travel outside of normal rush hours.

  • Try to avoid rush hours when you travel. 

  • Plan your travel well. If you have multiple destinations along the same path, do not go back and forth. Instead, try to schedule events to minimize travel time.

  • Choose vehicles or cart that are less crowded. 

  • When paying for transportation, try to use credit cards and self-checkout to minimize interaction with other people.

Minimize exposure during travel.
On buses, trains, subways, and other forms of public transportation, maintain social distancing and stay 6 feet away from other people.

  • When entering and exiting a public vehicle, leave space between you and the person in front of you. 

  • Try not to touch any public parts of the vehicle or cart, including handles, knobs, windows, etc. 

  • Bring your own disinfecting wipes to clear seats or handles before you touch them.

  • Wear a mask at all times. 

Clean yourself after travel.
When you arrive at your destination, remove and disinfect your outfit, shoes, hats, etc. You may need to clean hair, face and arms if they are exposed.

  • Take off your gloves after going back home, discard or disinfect them.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds. 
  • If possible, discard your clothes into a washing machine and take a shower.
  • Try not to touch anything before you clean yourself and your clothes.

If possible, try to find a different form of transportation. Consider walking or biking to your destination.

Writing: Alice Cai; Artwork: PotterW

Disclaimer and Copyright © 2020 United Chinese Americans

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