8: Bathroom Disinfection

Q: When do I need to sanitize the bathroom?

πŸ’Tracy: COVID-19 is mainly spread by droplets or contact. If no one is infected at home, or has interacted with anyone infected,  there is no need for special disinfection in the bathroom. General cleaning is sufficient.

If someone is sick at home or in close contact with infected ones,  please refer to “What can I do if I’m sick?” and “What should I do if someone is sick in my family”,and isolate themselves at home.

Q: How to disinfect bathroom


  • Step 1: Place a bowl tablet with “bleach” in the toilet water tank, and replace it with a new one periodically.

  • Step 2: Do not mix items from other family members with patient's items. Sepatate them in different rooms. Ideally, use separate bathrooms and shower rooms if possible.  

  • Step 3: Wash hands thoroughly before disinfection.

  • Step 4: If you need to wash patient excretion, such as urine, feces, sputum,  etc, please wear disposable gloves, masks, protective eyeware, and disposable plastic apron. Close the toilet cap before flushing to minimize splashing outside. Wash hands with soap or clean hands with disinfectant before and after treatment.

  • Step 5: Clean visible stains around sink, toilet, and other surfaces. 

  • Step 6: Use kitchen papertowel to dip the disinfecting solution and wipe the toilet buttons, handles, washstands and countertops, faucets, towel racks, door handles and all other surfaces. Disinfect at least twice a day.

  • Step 7: Put used wipes and other trash in a separate garbage bag and seal them before discarding them.

  • Step 8: Spray the bathroom floor with disinfectant that contain bleach, mop the floor, and then soak the mop in disinfecting liquid. Repeat twice daily.

  • Step 9: Ensure that the floor drain is irrigated daily. 

  • Step 10: After disinfection, remove gloves, discard in the sealed garbage bag, and immediately wash your hands with soapy water or alcohol-based hand disinfectant.

Tracy’s Toolbox
What disinfectant to use:
ΓΌ  Diluted household bleach, solutions with an alcohol content of no less than 70% are effective on COVID-19; please refer to CDC and EPA guideline for disinfectant use.
ΓΌ  Bleach is recommended for disfinecting large area such as countertop and floor.
ΓΌ  Alcohol-based disinfectants can be used for small surfaces.
ΓΌ  It is recommended using alcohol-based hand sanitizer before washing hands.

[1] WHO: Home care for patients with suspected novel coronavirus infection presenting with mild symptoms and management of contacts.
[2] https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/cleaning-disinfection.html
[3] https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/guidance-prevent-spread.html
[4] https://www.health.com/condition/infectious-diseases/coronavirus/how-long-does-coronavirus-live-on-clothes
[5] Charleen Yeo, Sanghvi Kaushal, Danson Yeo, Enteric involvement of coronaviruses: is fecal–oral transmission of SARS-CoV-2 possible? The Lancet,2020,  VOLUME 5, ISSUE 4, P335-337.
Writing: Yuehan Wu & Jingyi Xi; Translation: Helen Shih; Artwork: PotterW

Disclaimer and Copyright © 2020 United Chinese Americans

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