41: Preventing COVID-19 infection in the offices and workplaces
For Employees Q: I have to go to the office to work. What should I do to protect myself from infection? 💁 Tracy: During the pandemic, everyone working in offices and shared spaces must be very careful to protect themselves. Please consider the following guidelines: On the road: Try not to use public transportation. Use private cars or taxis instead. If you have to take a bus / metro / train, find a place with fewer people, wear a mask, and wear disposable gloves if needed if you have to touch public places such as handles. Elevator: If possible, use stairs instead of an elevator. Ventilation: Ventilate regularly, ideally with outdoor air, especially in areas with multiple people sharing the same work space; air conditioning may be ok if it has a high standard HEPA filter and disinfecting system. Meeting room: Minimize physical meetings, use online video or teleconferencing instead. Social distancing: keep a minimum of 6 feet away from others, ...