"Creativity against COVID-19" Contest: Win up to $1,500!
The “Creativity against COVID-19” Contest is a COVID-19 public health education program co-hosted by UCA, Chinese American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern Californian (CESASC) and Xing Memorial Fund (XMF). The contest opens to K-12 students age from 6 to 18. Team is encouraged. Artwork must be in the forms of picture, video, animation or other multi-media format with a story based on the content from “ COVID-19: Tracy’s Guide for Families ”. It should be posted online on social media and is viewable to the public. Participants should submit the URL of the artwork to us by the end of June 30, 2020 (Tuesday) at: https://forms.gle/4H1NJbcYWUNv5pGe9 . The artworks submitted will be reviewed by a selection committee appointed by the organizers in four categories: content, quality, creativity/imagination, and popularity. The names of the prize winners will be announced in mid-July 2020. The prize winners will be awarded cash prizes up to $1,500 (Grand Prize) ...