31: What to do if you live alone or are struggling to cope with isolation?

Q: What extra steps should I take if I live alone or I’m struggling to cope with isolation?

šŸ’Tracy: Try some of these suggestions and tips to see if they may be helpful if you have to stay alone:
Have a regular schedule of contact with other people so that if someone doesn’t hear from you, they will know to check on you. You don’t have to speak to the same person each day, but schedule a routine time so that you are in contact with someone daily and make sure each person is aware of your schedule and knows who to call if you don’t respond.

  • Find one person who can take care of you if you are sick. This person is ideally someone in your family and should have a key to your home and live close enough to let emergency personnel come in if needed. 

  • Weather permitting, spend some time outside each day or open windows so you have fresh air and can enjoy nature every day. Sunlight is important for a good mood.

Keep yourself occupied by pursuing a hobby, listening to favorite music, or doing any other activity you enjoy. Keeping up with your daily household chores is also important.

  • Keep up with the news. Help yourself get informed but avoid the anxiety caused by constant exposure.
  • Establish a routine for your daily activities, as it gives us a sense of normalcy.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Take adequate rest.
  • Practice meditation or other relaxation techniques if needed.
  • Remember that feeling anxiety and loneliness is normal, and be receptive to such feelings. 

  • If you feel you are becoming depressed or if you have no one to communicate with on a regular basis, talk to a mental health professional.

  • Remind yourself that you are staying alone to protect yourself and others safe, however, this situation is only temporary and will not last forever.

šŸ’Tracy’s Tip:

Although you may be separated from others by a physical distance, yet people can still be socially connected and stay active. Learn to use apps such as social media, chat, online meeting apps, so you can see faces and chat with other people if possible.


Writing: Debbie Vilardi; Proofreading: Helen Shih; Artwork: Qiong Mo
Disclaimer and Copyright © 2020 United Chinese Americans

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