35: Guidelines for children wearing masks

Q: What are the guidelines for children wearing masks?

💁Tracy: Children ages 2 and above may wear cloth masks covering the nose and mouth. (According to current CDC guidelines, medical masks and N-95 respirators should be reserved for medical personnel and other emergency personnel.)

  • Children’s face masks need to be selected to fit their faces.

  • Please pay attention to any signs of discomfort, like breathing difficulty, when masks are being worn by children.
  • Masks may not suitable for babies and very young children, as wearing masks may increase their risk of getting choked or interfering with their breathing.

  • If children are reluctant to wear masks because of discomfort in breathing, try to adjust the masks to make sure they fit them properly.

Tracy's Toolbox for Children: 

  • Face Masks Dedicated for Children
[1] https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/pregnancy-breastfeeding.html#children
[2] https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html#Children-and-Youth-with-Special-Healthcare-Needs

Writing: Xinkai Wang; Proofreading: Helen Shih, Suzhen Jiang; Artwork: Mo Qiong
Disclaimer and Copyright © 2020 United Chinese Americans

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