1: What to do if you are sick?
Q: What can I do if I am sick? 💁 Tracy: If you have mild symptoms, such as low-grade fever, mild dry cough and mild fatigue , don’t panic! It might be COVID-19 or just an ordinary cold! Considering the following to help yourself and protect other people around you. Check CDC's "Self Checker" on symptoms and guidance. Stay home and remain in self quarantine. Wear a mask if you have to interact with others in the family, and keep yourself separated from them. Call your doctor for medical advice. Get a test for COVID-19, if available, check your county's public health website to get the most updated testing instruction. If you develop emergency warning signs for COVID-19, get medical attention immediately! Emergency warning signs include*: • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest • New confusion or inability to arouse Includi...