21: How to explain COVID-19 and the need for isolation to children?

Q: How do I explain COVID-19 and the need for isolation to my children?

💁Tracy: This depends on the age and level of understanding of your children, but there are some general guidelines below:

  • Remain calm as you explain the situation. Children react to the feelings of their caregivers.
  • Begin with past experiences. Most children have been sick with a cold or other illness. Explain that COVID-19 is an illness also, but that it is more severe so we must be more careful to keep everyone safe. This is why schools have closed and activities have been canceled.

  • Remind children of hygiene rules and that following the rules gives them the power to prevent illness.
  • Explain the positive steps you and your family are taking to keep everyone safe. Include things such as wearing masks when you must leave the house.  

  • Acknowledge your child’s feelings and answer their questions.
  • If a child seems uninterested, they may need time to process what you’ve told them. Don’t push them. They will tell you when they are ready for more information by asking questions or commenting on the topic.
  • Establish routines in your household that help develop a sense of normalcy. 
  • Discuss ways your family will connect with others while you remain physically isolated. Children can show love in many ways, such as by sending cards or communicating via technology.

  • Remind children of the importance of healthy life choices, such as exercise, rest and healthy foods.
  • Reassure children that they are safe.

💁Tracy's Tips: 

  • Avoid circumstances that could tempt your children to break the six-feet rule. For example, children often run to a playground or grandparent when they see one. If you can’t avoid such circumstances, remind the children that they have the power to keep everyone safe by following rules before getting into the tempting situation.

  • For younger children, you may need to demonstrate proper ways of handwashing and the safe use of hand sanitizer. Supervise these activities.

Simple Fact about COVID-19

Although the chance that children get severely ill because of COVID-19 seems to be less than adults, yet it does not guarantee that they are safe when being exposed to the virus. They may be also asymptomatic without showing any signs, so close contact with others still needs to be observed.

Writing: Debbie Vilardi; Proofreading: Helen Shih, Shan Chen, Mingdi Yang; Artwork: Yvonne Xia
Disclaimer and Copyright © 2020 United Chinese Americans

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