44: Guidance for childcare programs and schools during the pandemic
Q: During this uncertain time, schools are trying to decide to stay close or reopen. How do I keep my clients, staff, and myself safe? 💁 Tracy: It is a difficult time decide one way or the other, but social distancing and other hygiene practices need to be adopted to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Discussing and communicating with your clients in advance to allow them to make arrangements will be a good idea too. If your clients are primarily essential workers or you cannot close for other reasons, you may choose to stay open, but please follow all the precautions as much as possible. Here are some tips that will help keep everyone in the program safe: Have an emergency plan that you have practiced with your staff, so that you can shut down quickly and safely if the need arises. This should include contact information and preferred means of contact for all families. Keep social distancing as much as possible in different situations, including classroom settings, outd...